Have your say on new Health and Justice Career and Competence Frameworks
Do you work within the Adult Secure and Detained Estate (ASDE), or with Children and Young People (CYP) in the Complex Needs Pathway? If so, @SkillsforHealth need your feedback on a set of draft role profiles developed for new Health and Justice Career and Competence Frameworks in these settings and services, as part of an NHS England and NHS Improvement inclusive workforce programme for these sectors.
As health and justice healthcare providers continue to face challenges recruiting and retaining staff within clinical and non-clinical roles, creating an attractive career pathway, and raising the profile for the health and justice sectors have become key priorities in shaping and securing the future workforce.
Commissioned by Health Education England South East, Skills for Health are developing career and competence frameworks for CYP in the Complex Needs Pathway, and the additional competences required to deliver healthcare within the ASDE. This is part of a wider Health and Justice Inclusive workforce programme, currently being undertaken by NHS England and NHS Improvement “to improve the recruitment and retention of a larger, more diverse, inclusive and representative workforce for all Health & Justice services and programmes.”
Working together with expert panel members in both areas, 19 draft competence-based role profiles have been created, and Skills for Health are now looking to receive vital commentary on these to ensure the roles developed reflect the needs of the sector. Feedback on the draft profiles can now be given through a survey which is open until 12 noon on Wednesday 7th April 2021 and should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Once the survey has closed, the results will be analysed, and the draft role profiles revised accordingly.
This is your opportunity to help shape the workforce and to contribute to raising the profile of careers in the health and justice sector.
Please click the relevant link below to be redirected to the survey and to have your say on the role profiles:
Adult Secure and Detained Estate
Children and Young People (Complex Needs Pathway)
If you have any comments or questions about the survey, please contact Skills for Health Senior Consultant Rosemarie Simpson.