Regulatory arrangements for the awarding of vocational and technical and other general qualifications in 2020-2021
Consultation on the detail of the VTQ Contingency Regulatory Framework.
This consultation closes at
Consultation description
We have decided to introduce a new regulatory framework. This will be called the VTQ Contingency Regulatory Framework (VCRF).
This will permit awarding organisations to award results when exams do not take place and/or because learners cannot complete all internal assessments. These provisions will apply to those qualifications identified by the Department in the direction issued to Ofqual as set out below:
for those VTQs and other general qualifications most similar to GCSEs, AS and A levels, where exams and other assessments will not continue as normal, our expectation is that awarding organisations will put in place similar approaches to awarding as those put in place for GCSEs, AS and A levels, where possible and appropriate
for those qualifications which support progression to further study or employment but which have different characteristics to GCSEs, AS and A levels, exams and assessments should continue where safe to do so, remotely or in-person. Where learners are ready to sit the exams or assessments but are not able to do so, we will permit awarding organisations to issue results to learners under the alternative arrangements. Where exams and assessments continue, we will permit awarding organisations to continue to make adaptations to assist in mitigating the impact of the pandemic
We are now consulting on the detail of the VCRF.
This consultation is open to anyone who may wish to make representations but may be of particular interest to:
the awarding organisations we regulate, and their representative bodies
teachers, tutors, exam staff and other representatives from schools, colleges, training providers, apprenticeship providers, and other places where the relevant qualifications are delivered
learners and apprentices who are expecting to sit assessments and/or be awarded a vocational or technical qualification, or other general qualification, in 2021
the family, parents or carers of these learners
higher education institutions, further education colleges and training providers that may be making offers to learners for future academic years
education representative bodies
employers who might be receiving job applications from learners taking these qualifications, or who might already employ these learners
professional bodies, regulators and industry groups
Regulatory arrangement for the awarding of Vocational and Technical and Other General Qualifications in 2020 – 2021
Ref: Ofqual/21/6750/1PDF, 604KB, 53 pages
Draft Vocational and Technical Qualifications Contingency regulatory framework, COVID-19 Conditions and Requirements
Ref: Ofqual/21/6750/2PDF, 374KB, 31 pages
Draft Vocational and Technical Qualifications Contingency regulatory framework, COVID-19 Guidance
Ref: Ofqual/21/6750/3PDF, 265KB, 26 pages
Ways to respond
Published 25 February 2021