Occupational pathways of technical qualifications
Experimental analysis into the occupations of young people with technical qualifications in England.
Occupational pathways of technical qualifications
Ref: DfE-00173-2020PDF, 565KB, 26 pages
This analysis shows the occupations young people move into after achieving technical qualifications.
It uses data from the Our Future study and from the individualised learner record and focuses on young people in employment at age 18 or 19 who completed a technical qualification in a further education institution in England.
It shows:
- the most common technical qualifications held by young people in employment
- the most common occupations and type of employment of young people who achieved technical qualifications
- technical qualifications which offer clear pathways into related occupations for young people
Experimental statistics on young peoples’ transitions from education to work in England.
Post-16 pathways at level 3 and below
Ref: DfE-00174-2020PDF, 1.18MB, 21 pages
This analysis describes students’ pathways through post-16 education and their transitions into work.
It uses data from the longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) study and focuses on students who left education at level 3 or below.
It shows:
- the proportion of students who experience difficult transitions into work, and cycle between work, education and benefits, or are long-term not in education, employment or training (NEET)
- qualification pathways at level 2 and level 3 that are associated with successful transitions into work
Contextual information of post-16 enrolments on qualifications at level 3 and below.
Qualifications at Level 3 and below: contextual information
Ref: DfE-00175-2020PDF, 603KB, 22 pages
This document provides contextual information on post-16 enrolments on qualifications at level 3 and below, including pathways that learners take at age 16 through education at level 2 and below.