Guide and form for academy trusts to use to seek prior approval from ESFA for non-contractual payments of or over £50,000.


Guide to academy trust severance payments


Academy trust severance payments form: Microsoft Excel version

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 28.3KB

Academy trust severance payments form: Open document spreadsheet version

ODS, 16.2KB

This file is in an OpenDocument format


The guide explains how academy trusts seek approval from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to make non-contractual payments of or over £50,000.

The form is available in two alternative formats:

  • a Microsoft Excel workbook
  • an open document spreadsheet

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Published 11 March 2014
Last updated 27 October 2020 + show all updates

  1. We have updated the severance payments forms and added the guide for academy trusts seeking approval to make non-contractual payments of or over £50,000 so the information is available on one page.

  2. The Education Funding Agency (EFA) has updated the severance payments form for academy trusts wishing to seek approval for non-contractual payments over £50,000. The main changes to the form are the need to include a financial assessment and the requirement to demonstrate that all alternative options have been explored before deciding to make a non-contractual severance payment.

  3. First published.