From education to employment

Leader of the Opposition Visits College for Second Annual Student Forum

With the sheer pace of ministerial change in the various offices of education recently, a bystander could be forgiven for believing that it is simply one more step on an extremely lengthy political stair.

The public expectation for the provision of a better service whilst simultaneously balking at paying the same taxes (let alone giving more to the Government’s coffers) can also mean that the task of sitting as Education Secretary, or as Shadow Education Secretary, represents a political hot potato that no asbestos gloves can fully protect one from.

In David Cameron MP, the Leader of the Conservative party, there would appear to be one individual who has left education but not lost his interest in the subject as he prepares to visit students at a constituency college on Friday the 9th of June for a students” forum. He is the latest in a long line of celebrity visitors to the media students at the college, situated in his own constituency.

Cameron Comes to College

The visit is the second one organised by the Abingdon and Witney College. The forum will enable media students at the college to benefit from forty ““ five minutes with which to ask Mr. Cameron some searching questions. On the other side, of course, it offers a valuable insight into just how deeply the “new blood” approach to the Conservatives has influenced the voting intentions and political affiliations of the next generation of voters.

The forum itself will begin at 1.30 pm, and follows on from last November’s pre ““ leadership visit by David Cameron to speak to politics students. The students who will be able to ask questions are all studying for the National Diploma in Media – a practical vocational course seeking to offer students a first step towards working in the media industry ““ and will raise questions directly affecting them, touching on the closeness of the two main political parties, the reasons for voting Conservative and covering voter apathy in asking whether voting is worthwhile at all.

Key Figures and the Help they Offer

As has already been touched upon, other key figures from a variety of sectors have already agreed to assist in this programme, covering both factual and documentary programming. These have included figures from the world of sport such as David Davies (Football Association [FA] Executive Director), and Sky Sports commentators Martin Tyler and former Everton legend Andy Gray. The Thames Valley Police have also participated, covering subjects such as youth, crime, binge drinking, video games and violence.

A familiar figure to the public eye was also a former participant; to whit, Boris Johnson MP. Joseph Hollies, one of the students from Witney, commented on the benefits interviewing Mr. Johnson and participating in the Diploma had offered, saying: “It’s been a really useful experience, going to London, seeing where the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben are located.

” It was interesting watching an MP in action (I was on Sound) – Boris was a very good interviewee,” he continued on his prior experience. “All in all, the visits and interviews have provided me with valuable knowledge that will help me with my studies.”

Jethro Marsh

Swing from the FE branches with Lulu Thertrolle in From the FE Trenches!

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