From education to employment

It’s ‘Lights, Camera, Action’ for Levi!

Levi Vozary, a Level 3 Film and TV student at Burton and South Derbyshire College (BSDC), is pursuing a career as a video editor after recently achieving a Triple Distinction Star on his course.

During his Film and TV course at BSDC, Levi has had the opportunity to develop his practical skills, while gaining real industry experience on live briefs. Throughout his course, Levi has gained a range of digital skills, particularly in using Adobe software such as Premiere Pro, Illustrator and After Effects.

Reflecting on his two years at BSDC, Levi said: “It’s been an eventful two years; I’ve enjoyed every moment of it. All the projects we have worked on have been great – my documentary on graffiti was the most exciting project I worked on. I really enjoyed meeting new people.” One of Levi’s recent projects involved working with a client, DNA Hydrate, to create promotional videos for their product.

Levi’s decision to pursue a creative path led him to choose college over sixth form. He said: “I like making things and coming up with ideas and bringing my ideas to life. I love filming and editing – I’ve always enjoyed doing my own videos and I wanted to develop those skills and take them to the next level. If you’re into filming, it’s a really good start. You get to experience everything in the film industry, both in front and behind the camera. I learned a lot on this course that I can take further when I leave college.”

During his studies, Levi had access to the College’s state-of-the-art creative studios which have recently been enhanced with the addition of new equipment made possible by the Stronger Towns Fund. Levi said: “The College has got a lot of new resources, a lot of new kit – like the motion capture room, good cameras and studios. They’ve got everything that this course needs.”

Looking ahead, Levi now plans to attend Nottingham Trent University to study Film Technology, focusing on practical skills like camera work, lighting, editing and sound. He commented: “I want to be a video editor and I’m also interested in fashion videography like fashion adverts, catwalks and just being in the fashion scene. I would like to create my own brand and create adverts for it as well.”

Levi recently starred in a video case study as part of the College’s new ‘Your Life. Your Rules.’ campaign to encourage others to consider college as a post GCSE option. The college’s ‘Your Life. Your Rules.’ campaign is showcasing a series of current full-time students sharing their experience of vocational learning and how their learning journey so far is putting them on track to achieve their goals of university study or employment. It aims to dispel common myths about vocational study and help potential learners and their parents better understand the options available after GCSEs. To view the video, go to or for more information about studying at Burton and South Derbyshire College, go to

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