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Equipping Teams for the AI Revolution in Higher Education

Ikum Kandola Voices

The Higher Education sector, much like others, is going through a period of rapid transformation owing to the emergence of user-friendly Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. This article explores how leaders in Higher Education can prepare their teams for the integration of these technologies through training and the cultivation of an AI-ready culture.

Whether it be the increasing use of computers in the classroom or the adoption of online learning resources to fulfill teaching functions, it’s clear that the Higher Education sector has been going through fundamental change over the last few decades. But with all that said, I think most people would agree with me in saying that the change the Higher Education Sector is undergoing now represents arguably the most significant opportunity for the sector as it offers the potential to revolutionise how teaching is delivered completely.

Since the emergence of free-to-use tools such as Chat GPT, Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present reality, and its advent has democratised the ability for more people than ever to use these technologies, as users no longer need to be experts to use these tools.

Whether it be to curate lesson plans and quizzes or to streamline administrative processes – AI can reduce teachers’ burden and optimise teaching. For executives and senior leaders in Higher Education, the question is no longer whether to adopt AI into teaching but how they can best equip their teams to be able to do so.

To ensure that teachers not only understand AI but can also deploy it effectively in their teaching, leaders should begin by investing in training and professional development whilst simultaneously developing a comprehensive AI integration plan.

Investment in training and professional development

AI is a rapidly evolving technology that comes in many forms, and for teachers to be able to deploy it in their teaching, they first need to be able to understand what it is and how it can be used; this begins with investing in training and development to enhance AI literacy amongst educators.

Firstly, Higher Education Executives can organise ‘AI Bootcamps’ for their staff to help demystify the technology and provide a foundation of understanding. By showcasing real-world examples of AI applications in education, institutions can inspire educators to adopt these tools in their classrooms. Additionally, creating an “AI Champions” program can foster peer-to-peer learning, allowing more experienced members to mentor colleagues.

Another critical aspect of training involves developing skills for deploying AI in a teaching environment – such as creating course materials or assessments. Hands-on sessions that focus, for example, on using AI for lesson planning and content creation can empower educators to integrate this into their lessons.

Developing an AI integration plan

To effectively harness the power of AI, leaders and senior leaders in Higher education need to develop a well-structured integration plan that balances innovation with ethical considerations.

The plan should outline clear, measurable objectives for AI integration, aligning these goals with the institution’s overall mission and values. It’s crucial to engage all stakeholders – including leadership, staff and of course, students. 

Whilst the benefits AI can bring to the Higher Education sector are indisputable, its integration raises data, fairness and transparency implications, so when developing an integration strategy, considering the ethical implications arising from AI needs to be a priority.

Equipping Teams for the AI Revolution in Higher Education

The AI revolution in higher education offers remarkable opportunities for transformation, and by investing in robust training and crafting thoughtful integration plans that include, Higher Education leaders can empower their teams to effectively leverage AI.

Just by embracing this change, Higher Education can unlock a vast array of new possibilities that can simultaneously streamline processes whilst creating personalised learning experiences. The future of education is here, powered first and foremost by our incredible teachers, but now supported by AI.

By Ikum Kandola, Founder & CEO of Teachify

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