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Alton College Students

Inspirational students from Alton College celebrated their academic successes during Alton College’s Student Awards.

On Tuesday 9 July 2024, a number of talented students came together to celebrate their hard work and dedication during Alton College’s annual student awards, held in the College’s Martin Read Hall.

Principal and CEO of HSDC Mike Gaston presented awards to several outstanding students who have demonstrated excellence throughout the academic year. The students, who have studied a range of subjects including Film and Production, Esports, Performing Arts and Public Services were joined by family, friends and teaching staff to bring the successful year to a close.

During the ceremony, a citation was read out for each student by a lecturer or member of staff which was then presented to each individual alongside a certificate. Student Dwayne Nobleza also took to the stage to read out a pre-prepared speech to all attendees.

Student Holly McManus who was awarded Student of the Year for Performing Arts and Music said:

“I am very grateful and excited to have been invited to the Student Awards. I have really enjoyed my time at College and my favourite part has been studying A Level Drama and a BTEC Level 3 in Performing Arts. I have enjoyed the performing side of the course and being able to share this with my classmates has been memorable.

I am now going on to study Drama at Kingston University with the hopes of becoming a Drama teacher in the future.”

Student James Austin who studied a UAL 3 Extended Diploma in Film and TV Production and also worked on the student magazine added:

“I am incredibly surprised to be invited to the Student Awards. I have enjoyed my time at College, in particular collaborating with others. I am now planning to go to university to study Film Production.”

Student Jeslin Gigi, who was awarded Student of the Year for Health and Social Care and also participated in the Association of Colleges T Level Foundation promotional videos this year said:

“I am really surprised but happy to be invited to the awards. I have had a great time at Alton College and my favourite part has been studying in the classroom. I am now continuing my journey at Alton College and plan to study Childcare in September.”

Student Sam Kemp, who was awarded Student of the Year for Digital Games and Esports added:

“I am really happy to have been invited to the Student of the Year Awards this year – it was also a surprise! My favourite part of College has been the classroom-based learning alongside competing in a range of Esports competitions. I am now going on to study Esports at the University of Chichester.”

As the evening drew to a close, the overall Student of the Year was awarded to student Franz Avdoshyna, whose hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed this academic year.

Franz added:

“I am honoured that I have received the Student of the Year 2024 Award. I am grateful to Alton College that I have received academic and personal growth throughout my journey at this educational institution.

As much as this is my award, this is also an award towards my teachers who were helping and supporting me throughout.”

A huge congratulations to all students who received awards and we wish them the best of luck with their future endeavours.

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