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Bespoke curriculum on offer at Staffordshire Sixth Form

@TheHartSchool Sixth Form’s unique selling point is a bespoke curriculum

The Hart School in Rugeley has celebrated year-on-year successes since it became part of Creative Education Trust nine years ago.

And its Sixth Form is one of them.

Just one of its amazing, and unique, selling points is that each year it designs a bespoke A Level curriculum to what each individual Sixth Form intake wants to study.

It’s continually adapting and introducing new subjects and courses on the back of listening to its pupils, including a wide range of BTEQ vocational courses.

It’s also one of only a few Sixth Forms in the country to offer A Level Spanish and Dance.

This bespoke approach has seen the Sixth Form’s numbers grow each year since the school was created following the merger of Fair Oak and Hagley Park.

One of the top Sixth Form’s in the UK for progress

And, its exam results speak volumes, with students’ progress at the Penkridge Bank Road site being in the top 25% of all UK Sixth Forms.

Head of Sixth Form Ben Brennan said: “We’re incredibly proud of our Sixth Form where we treat all our students as adults.

“Creating a bespoke curriculum for our young men and women has been a phenomenal success in getting our students on the right path to their chosen careers.”

The Sixth Form also won high praise from Ofsted in 2018, from its “strong leadership” to its pupils making “outstanding university transition.”

Strong exam results

In 2018 its exam results improved for a fifth consecutive year, and in 2019 it recorded a 100% pass rate in vocational subjects, an average grade B in Maths, and a minimum grade C for all subjects.

Since making its first applications to Cambridge University in 2017, visits are now arranged for its students, who are also given opportunities to get involved in national competitions such as public speaking, essay writing and design projects.

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