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Gower College Swansea Coronavirus advice – 11 March

We understand that many of our students, staff and parents may have some concerns about the current situation re: the coronavirus outbreak.

The health, wellbeing and safety of our College community is of the highest importance and will be put above all considerations. To ensure this, we have a working group that meets regularly to ensure we have the most up-to-date information to hand, and which will take appropriate action if and when required.

We will continue to take guidance from the Government and will base our information on their advice. You can find the latest information and advice on coronavirus and the latest guidance for educational settings on the GOV.UK website.

Educational trips (overseas)
External advice in relation to overseas trips to parts of the world deemed as ‘no or little risk’ remains inconsistent, with, we know, some schools, colleges and universities already cancelling trips to some of these countries.

At the current time within the College we have four overseas trips planned to depart in the next few weeks and therefore, due to the current uncertainty and the growth in numbers testing positive for the virus in a relatively short period of time, we believe that the most appropriate action for the College to take is for all overseas trips to be cancelled with immediate effect and for the foreseeable future.

All students will be notified and should speak to the trip’s organiser about how to claim a refund.

Educational trips (UK)
In terms of trips within the UK, at this current time we are willing for these to continue but are consulting with staff to consider whether the trip is necessary or not, and also giving staff and students the option not to travel.

Please accept our apologies if this causes any inconvenience but we will always continue to put the health and safety of our students and staff above all other considerations.

General travel advice
Please check the UK Government’s travel advice pages for the latest travel information and the impact of coronavirus on travel.

Country-specific travel information
Please check the UK Government’s country specific travel advice pages for all countries you are planning to visit

Returning Travellers
Please check the UK Government advice pages for the latest information for returning travellers and whether you are required to self-isolate.

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