From education to employment

Yale College Students Return Victorious from International Global Enterprise Challenge

The ability to take the initiative and seize every chance that comes their way is not the only quality that today’s young person must demonstrate.

Waiting for opportunities to come their way is no longer the mark of the successful student or learner, as competition heats up and the need to offer an ever broader skills portfolio becomes more necessary by the day. It is now necessary to encourage even more enterprising approaches, as the level of personal motivation that is required today is at the very least equal ““ many believe higher ““ than ever before.


With this in mind, the success of the six students from Yale College in Wales at the International Global Enterprise Challenge is both laudable and timely. The event, held in Glasgow this summer, witnessed some 15 countries participating in the 24 hour challenge that involved a total of 1,000 students from schools and colleges across the world.

The competition was concise; every team was asked to develop and present an action plan for their local town to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen the economy. They received support from a team of astronauts and scientists at the event, organised by Careers Scotland as part of its Festival of Science and Enterprise. The festival was targeted at young people to try to inspire them to pursue an interest or aptitude in science.

A Winning Formula

The event was witness to a Welsh victory. The team that composed the winning plan for their local community comprised Danny Evans, Rachel Jones, Luke Price, Dave Howel, Stephen Chatham and Charlotte Allcroft (who are studying on the National Diploma in Business course at Yale College in Wrexham). They were joined by Coleg Gwent students Thomas Cole and Rhys Jones. One of the team members, Danny Evans, spoke of the experience and said: “Our challenge was a tough but enjoyable one and we are thrilled to have won at an international level.”

The tutor who guided the students to success, Yale College tutor Mike Campion, was understandably delighted at the victory. He said: “The team had just twenty-four hours to prepare their action plan for presentation to judges Bonnie Dunbar, CEO Seattle Museum of Flight and former NASA Astronaut; George Abbey, former Director of Johnson Space Centre and Angela Mathis, international business consultant. To have won at such a high level is a fantastic achievement!”

Jethro Marsh

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