From education to employment

Student Analyst Eyes Up Career in Football

A student is putting himself in the frame for a career as a football analyst thanks to his course at Middlesbrough College. Since October of last year, Matty Austin from Redcar has been splitting his time between lessons at the College and analysis work at Middlesbrough Football Club.

The 17-year-old has been put through his paces filming games involving Boro’s youth teams at the club’s training ground and Riverside Stadium.

Helped by staff in the club’s analysis team, Matty then uploads the footage to computers before coding the clips into professional analysis software InPlay Online.

Coaches at Middlesbrough FC can then use the results to analyse player performance, patterns of play and opposition tactics.

Matty said:

“Ever since I was at school, I’ve wanted to work in football analysis. I find it interesting and it’s becoming a very important part of the professional game.”

“I was going to stay on at school to do A-levels but I changed my mind and decided to come to Middlesbrough College.”

Matty started on his BTEC Level 3 in Sports and Exercise Science in September 2022 and hasn’t looked back since.

He secured the placement at Middlesbrough FC as part of his course thanks to Middlesbrough College’s close working relationships with the club and has been spending his Sundays filming and his Wednesdays analysing since October 2023.

Matty says the experience has been invaluable in terms of progressing towards his chosen career. He explained:

“Before the placement, I knew this was what I wanted to do but getting the experience of being able to do the work at an elite, Category One academy has been amazing and gives me great confidence for the future.”

“I’m really glad I decided to go to the College to do this course. If I had done A-levels, they wouldn’t have been so focused on sport and I wouldn’t have got an opportunity like this to work with Middlesbrough Football Club.”

Samantha Leigh, Sports Academy Director at Middlesbrough College and under-13s academy coach at Middlesbrough Football Club, explained:

“We had been looking at different opportunities which would allow the students to get experiences that would increase their employability.”

“I had discussions with the academy manager at Middlesbrough FC to find out ways in which we could also support their activities.”

“This particular partnership helps the club in that it provides them with analysis for teams right down to under-9 level and it helps our students by giving them a fantastic experience.”

“Matty seems to be flying and I know the club are really happy with the work which Matty has been doing.”

Chris Pennock, Head of Coaching at Middlesbrough Football Club, said:

“The partnership with Middlesbrough College has added value to our learning environment and is helping support staff and player development throughout the academy.”

After his BTEC course finishes in the summer, Matty is looking to continue his career path into professional football analysis with a degree in Science and Sports Performance which he hopes to start in September.

He said:

“I feel like I will have a real head start on the course at university – I don’t think many people at the age of 17 will have done this kind of work for a Category One academy at a big club.”

“It also gives me an advantage over other candidates when it comes to trying to get a job in the analysis field.”

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