Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the Justice Sector Reacts to Survey on Performance<
Skills for Justice is the Sector Skills Council (SSC) that ensures that the justice sector has the necessary skills and staffing to be productive, efficient and effective.
It was licensed as the SSC for the justice sector in April 2004, following a merger of three national training organisations: Community Justice National Training Organisation, Custodial Care National Training Organisation and the Police Skills and Standards Organisation (PSSO).
Surveying the Territory
The organisation is now entering its third year of operation and recently collated the data from its second annual customer survey which helps them to keep in touch with its customers to ensure that they are happy with the services it offers. For the survey, more than 350 organisations across the UK Justice sector were contacted to find out what they thought about our products, services and communications.
The survey found that Skills for Justice were doing some things very well, and other things not so well ““ which was exactly what the survey was supposed to let them know. The data from the survey helped them identify areas that needed extra attention. Dick Winterton, Chief Executive of Skills for Justice commented: “Whilst there is still some work to do, I am very encouraged by the positive findings of this research. At Skills for Justice we are committed to and enthusiastic about our mission and values and we look forward to the next exciting stage of our development.”
A Summary
A summary of the report found that 97% of respondents were previously aware of Skills for Justice; 72% of respondents were satisfied overall with Skills for Justice; and more than 90% agreed that Skills for Justice staff have the skills and knowledge to do their job well, communicate effectively and have a responsive and helpful attitude and treat people with respect and promote inclusiveness.
Almost half of the respondents agreed that Skills for Justice has been effective in tackling specified skills issues. Although this has improved significantly against the previous year, improvements need to be made in helping employees make informed careers and personal development choices, promoting the use of costed workforce training plans and reducing skills gaps and shortages.
Taking the Average
On average, 25% of customers have used Skills for Justice’s core products; the most used product was found to be National Occupational Standards. On average 28% of the customers have used Skills for Justice’s core services, the most used (at 40%) was the area of information and advice on the products and services. 95% of the customers found the implementation support and help with the use of the products the most useful service. On average 92% of customers that have used Skills for Justice products think they are relevant to the skills needs of their organisation.
81% – 95% of the respondents that attended a Skills for Justice meeting or conference said they found it useful. Between 85% and 90% of customers think the E-briefing and The Standard Newsletter and the Skills for Justice website is very or fairly effective communication tools. Unsurprisingly, their preferred communication tool was found to be e-briefing.
So, all-in-all, the report showed that many people think Skills for Justice do their job well, being helpful and knowledgeable about their subject area. However, critics may pick at the fact that the overall satisfaction rate is 72% – under three quarters – which they might say could be higher. In any case, the report is now available to download from the publications, factsheets and reports page of the Skills for Justice website.
Paul Keely
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