From education to employment

Employer’s Increasing Influence upon FE and Pitfalls of Closer Links to Industry Examined<

The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) are holding a conference next month to examine how the FE sector will adapt to an environment where the provision of further and adult education is being increasingly geared towards the requirements of industry, the economy and employers.

The FE and the Economic Mission Conference will look at the potential opportunities and pitfalls which might arise in developing stronger links between industry and the FE sector and will be addressed by the Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, Bill Rammell MP, and Maria Hughes from the Learning and Skills Development Agency who will discuss how colleges can realign to meet employer’s needs.

Advancing the Interests of Adult Learners

NIACE is a registered charity whose aim is to promote the study and general advancement of adult continuing education by “advancing the interests of adult learners and potential learners.” They seek to achieve these goals through a combination of advocacy to national and local government, funding bodies, industry and providers of education and training, collaboration with providers across all sectors of post-compulsory education and training and a commitment to supporting evaluation and monitoring.

Colin Flint, Director of Further Education at NIACE, said: “These are challenging times for colleges. The priorities of the Government for its third term are clear, and the re-definition of the role of further education in relation to the economy, industry and employers is central to their future role. There are significant opportunities and equally significant threats. The Learning and Skills Council (LSC)’s Agenda for Change is going to change the operational environment.

“This conference will focus on existing good practice and on the guidelines for success in workplace and work-based learning. These areas are those where growth can come but where current delivery is thought to be in need of improvement.”

The conference will be held in Leamington Spa on Tuesday 11th October 2005.

Michael Lloyd

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