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The Secretary of State appears to have admitted she is no longer in charge of the school teachers’ pay review process, in a move which NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union believes is deliberately designed to pave the way for further real terms pay cuts for the profession.

Last week the Union opened a dispute with the Secretary of State over delays in issuing a remit to the School Teachers’ Pay Review Body (STRB), the body which makes recommendations to the minister on teachers’ pay.

Gillian Keegan’s response to the Union states that the timing of the pay remit is a matter being dealt with across Government, leading to the assumption that she is no longer in charge of these extremely important matters at the DfE.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary,said:

“Teachers are being treated with utter contempt in an attempt to delay what is looking increasingly likely to be more bad news on pay for hardworking and dedicated teachers.

“If the Government continues to play fast and loose with the STRB remit, then the pay review body machinery will be defunct, along with any system of check and balance or independent voice in the setting of teachers’ pay.

“It feels as though the Secretary of State is resorting to weak excuses in order to continue to delay the commencement of the pay award process for 2024/25. We believe this is connected to the timing of the forthcoming General Election and plans to impose further real-terms cuts on teachers.

“The profession has suffered the impact of cuts for far too long to be fooled or distracted by ministerial game playing. They will see this for what it really is – yet further confirmation that this Government is trying to get away with paying teachers as little as possible, while ramping up their workloads and working hours.

“Unless this situation is addressed, future industrial action cannot be ruled out.” 

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