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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion focus wins IMI recognition at FAB 2023 Awards

The IMI’s commitment to supporting individuals and employers in efforts to create a more inclusive and welcoming automotive sector saw it win the Awarding Organisation of the Year for Delivering Real Impact on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Award at the FAB 2023 Awards announced on 30th November. 

Commenting on the win, Sally Hodder, Head of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging at the IMI said: “As part of our work with the IMI’s Diversity Task Force volunteers, we looked both inside and outside our sector at EDI best practice and challenges.

We learned there is no question that every organisation in every sector needs to think very carefully about how it creates an inclusive working environment, delivering opportunities for all. We are, therefore, tremendously proud of the fact that the IMI’s work in this area, including the changes we have made internally and our recent ‘There’s More to Motor’ campaign, has been recognised by the FAB 2023 Awards.”

Supported by the IMI Diversity Task Force and its 2022 report recommendations, the IMI has put specific focus on EDI as the automotive sector faces one of the biggest skills gaps in the UK economy with a vacancy rate at its highest level for more than 20 years. Understanding that it must ‘walk the talk’ in addressing the issues that go to the heart of a sector-wide skills gap, the professional body focused first on its own operations and workforce.

Key actions taken in the last 12 months to ensure it meets equality, diversity and inclusion standards include:

  1. Updated all HR policies to be gender neutral and more inclusive
  2. Development of toolkits for inclusive workplace, recruitment & language
  3. Provided access to EDI training at all levels including elearning, active bystander, unconscious bias, EDI in marketing, mental health first aiders and wellbeing conversations
  4. Launch of a Neurodiversity toolkit and policy, based on consultation with staff and members of the IMI Diversity Task Force working groups 
  5. 77% response rate for diversity monitoring form completion rates

The FAB Awards recognise the contributions made by awarding organisations and their employees over the past year to education and skills. Now in its 8th year, the FAB 2023 Awards dinner, sponsored by Advanced Secure Technologies, was held at the end of the first day of the FAB Conference.

Commenting on the awards, John McNamara, the Federation’s interim chief executive, said: 

“The FAB awards continue to thrive, with another record-breaking number of participants this year. We were pleased to introduce new award categories celebrating the success of apprentices, AO and employer relationships, AO and provider relationships, and commitment to social responsibility.

Congratulations to this year’s winners, who have demonstrated significant commitment to high quality qualifications and an unwavering commitment to learners and the wider sector.”

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