Travel and Tourism Students return to SERC to Inspire new Cohort

Two former students of South Eastern Regional College (SERC) took time out of their busy schedules to call into the College and meet new students share with them the varying pathways that can open up for students studying the popular BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma and HNC Travel and Tourism courses at SERC’s Downpatrick Campus.
Tara Russell, from Downpatrick, now works as a Customer Experience Agent with the National Trust at Castle Ward whilst studying International Events Management and Dillon Morgan, also from the town, is currently on a one-year placement with the exclusive Five-Star Ashford Castle, part of the Red Carnation Group of Hotels, in Cong, County Mayo, specialising in Hospitality and Customer Service.
Mary Enright-Gillies, Course Co-ordinator and Lecturer in Travel and Tourism said, “We are always delighted to welcome back past students to SERC to hear how they are getting on following completion of their courses. Their return presents a fantastic opportunity for current students to hear, first-hand, about the opportunities for employment and further study pathways and to ask questions about working life and further study.
She added, “Both Dillon and Tara completed the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism but have chosen different pathways, and although they are both working in tourism, they are brilliant examples of the variety of opportunities and where you can go next, stemming on from interests that individual students develop during the course.
Finally she said, “Both former students have benefitted from placements they obtained through SERC which we are continually striving to develop so our students leave, not only with the best in qualifications, but valuable work experience which gives them the edge, whether they are competing for jobs or places on courses for further study.”
To find out more about our range of Travel and Tourism programmes visit apply. and find out how you could be #BetterOffAtSERC