16 to 19 discretionary bursary fund allocations methodology: equality assessment
Analysis of how the revised allocations methodology for the 16 to 19 discretionary bursary fund will affect specific protected groups.
Allocations methodology for the 16 to 19 discretionary bursary fund: equalities impact assessment
Ref: DfE-00160-2019PDF, 262KB, 29 pages
16 to 19 discretionary bursaries are awarded to eligible students to help meet individual financial needs, for example, to help with the cost of transport, books and equipment.
The assessment describes responses received through the 16 to 19 discretionary bursary fund allocation methodology consultation and explains the decisions we made as a result.
The relevant protected characteristics, identified in the Equality Act 2010, are:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race (including ethnicity)
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Read the 16 to 19 bursary fund guide for more information about the fund.
Published 10 September 2019