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SheCanCode team up with FDM Group to support Tech Returners

woman on laptop

SheCanCode, FDM Group and industry leadershave teamed up to increase the number of women returners in tech, as women currently only hold around 27 per cent of all tech related jobs.

The event, which included SheCanCode, FDM Group, Women Returners and The Tech BAE, explored aims to revolutionise the experience of returners and career transitioners in the tech industry.

Alongside key speeches, the event gave attendees the opportunity to build an app, website or hosted solution to directly support women who are facing obstacles when re-entering the workforce after a break.

The event also asked attendees to develop ideas to help with job searches, provide training for new roles, and create internal solutions to streamline the onboarding process within companies, while Tech Mentors were assigned to each group to support the projects. It ultimately aimed to empower women and make their transitions back smoother.

This comes as the 2023 Women In Tech Survey highlights a growing gender imbalance, with a staggering 76 per cent of the respondents saying that they have experienced gender bias or discrimination in the workplace.

Sarah Mavius, Head of Returners Recruitment for FDM Group, said:

“The event highlighted the value of women in STEM and the importance of engaging new joiners and returners alike to engage with core industries such as technology. It is vital to improve female representation in STEM, driving consistent awareness through events and initiatives to inspire organisations to re-evaluate their policies and career opportunities. This, in turn, will foster an inclusive workplace that celebrates diversity.

Expanding female involvement and representation in STEM is an important mission that requires continuous efforts to break down barriers to entry and provide training programmes that support skill development. Some businesses are being held back by their lack of diversity, especially in leadership positions, and it is important that this issue is addressed in order for businesses to grow. FDM holds the ongoing commitment to providing these opportunities for women and we hope other organisations will take the same approach in empowering women at every stage in business.”

FDM’s Returner’s Programme has so far hosted a 75 per cent female intake and continues to help people forge long-term careers in tech while driving diversity forward in an innovative and evolving sector.

Kayleigh Bateman, Content Director at SheCanCode, said:

“At SheCanCode, we aim to motivate, inspire and support women in tech throughout their career – whatever stage they are at.”

“In an industry that is crying out for tech talent, there needs to be more focus on those returning to work. Returners are a largely untapped pool of experienced professionals, with a wealth of knowledge and skills to offer the tech industry.”

“Despite this, many returners face challenges and barriers – including a lack of confidence, lack of flexible working, overcoming negative stereotypes, a stigma around part-time working, and many others.

This Power Hack event has demonstrated some of the solutions to these problems – created by the women who are facing them first-hand.”

“We’re so grateful for FDM Group’s support in helping make this event happen and it has been fantastic to see all of the solutions and projects come to life.”

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