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Class of 2023 Continue the Legacy of Excellent A Level Results at Exeter College

Class of 2023 Continue the Legacy of Excellent A Level Results at Exeter College

Exeter College A Level students logged on this morning to find out their AS/A Level results. The class of 2023 excelled with an overall A Level pass rate of 99.6%, compared to 97.2 nationally, and a staggering 25 A level subjects had 100% pass rate. The College has exceeded every metric of its 2019 results(the last pre-pandemic results), which has nationally set the benchmark for this year’s results as awarding bodies return to pre-covid grading.

Of particular note is this year’s overall high grades at 59% (A*/A/B), which is over 6% ahead of the 2023 national average. An amazing 172 students achieved straight A*/A’s. This is especially impressive considering that this is the cohort who were in their two final years of school when the pandemic hugely disrupted education.  

Given the picture nationally, we are exceptionally pleased that fewer learners this year missed their university offer than last year. This success means that the class of 2023 exceeded the standard set by even last year’s record-breaking cohort.

John Laramy CBE, Principal and Chief Executive at Exeter College, said;

“I am delighted with this year’s A Level results, in every measure our students have achieved results that exceed those achieved before the pandemic.

“I would like to congratulate the class of 2023, who despite not sitting GCSE exams and having a turbulent final two years of school, have navigated these challenges and shown commitment, skill and tenacity to achieve truly excellent results. 

“I would like to thank the expert staff, who have in equal measure over the last two years used their talent and care to help our students to achieve these outstanding results.”

Exeter College’s Vice Principal, Jade Otty said; 

“Our learners this year should be very proud of their results – they have worked so hard with the support of our fantastic teaching and support staff to more than catch up on the learning and experiences they missed previously.

“The way in which our subject-expert teaching staff have supported this cohort’s confidence and skills through ‘Excel’ (our bespoke exam support programme)has been incredible and hugely appreciated by our learners.”

Billie Stokes, Assistant Principal with responsibility for academic programmes at the College, said;

“We are exceptionally proud of our A Level learners. Not only have they maintained the standards of excellence achieved by the college’s pre-pandemic cohorts, they have done so whilst engaging brilliantly with all the amazing experiences that college has to offer so that they have emerged as mature and confident young people ready and excited for their next steps.”

There were impressive results from right across the College’s varied curriculum offer. For example, in Maths, the largest cohort of A level students, 32% of students achieved the top two grades of A* or A, and in Further Maths, 37% of students achieved an A*. 38% of Physics students achieved an A*/A and in A Level Economics 70% of students got high grades.

A Level student Joshua Dargan studied Economics, Sociology and Politics and achieved A*, A, A. He plans to go to London School of Economics to study International Social and Public Policy and has embraced all aspects of his college experience, including talking to governors. He hopes to enter the world of Politics.

“The last two years have gone so quickly and been amazing. The people and the learning – together they make learning fun. Even though you only know some teachers for a year, you get a personalised learning experience. I loved discussing world economic affairs with my teachers. The last two years have been a real highlight of my life.”

A Level student Howard Carter studied Environmental Science, Biology and Geology and achieved triple A*. He will now go to Exeter University to study Environmental Science. Howard describes his college experience as brilliant and goes on to say;

“From start to finish it’s been brilliant. I’ve had enthusiastic teachers which make it easy to learn, when you enjoy the subjects you’re doing, that’s half the battle. The work I have done has paid off today and I’m really excited about the future.”

In the creative subjects, Fine Art and Graphic Design both excelled with 71% of Fine Art students achieving high grades and an impressive 25% of Graphic Design students achieving an A*. In Music 69% of students achieved an A*, A or B.

In the Humanities and Social Sciences learners also excelled. History and Law saw an impressive number of high grades, with students achieving 76% high grades and 69% respectively. 66% of Literature, 63% of Classics and 61% of Spanish students achieved an A*, A or B.

A Level student Evie Fairclough-Kay studied History, English Literature and Fine Art and took the Extended Project in her final year. She achieved two A*’s and two A’s and will be progressing to Oxford University. She said;

“I am going to study History and English combined honours at Regents Park College in Oxford. I would really like to go into journalism, that may change, but I’m going to just enjoy everything as it comes.

“My experience at college has been awesome. I’ve worked really hard and met lots of amazing people and it’s all paid off today.”

Exeter College and the College Governors would like to thank and congratulate the class of 2023 and thank staff, parents and partners for making this a year to celebrate.

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