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Empowered by 10 Years of Know-How, 42 London Takes Tech Education in the UK to the Next Level

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As Ecole 42 celebrates 10 years of shaping future tech talents, its UK campus, 42 London aims to meet the growing demand for IT professionals in the country

Ecole 42, the visionary coding school, is marking a decade of its transformative and tuition free tech education that has currently expanded into 29 countries worldwide, with a network of 50 campuses in operation, including the addition of 42 London earlier this year. The brainchild of French tech and telecoms entrepreneur Xavier Niel, 42 has revolutionised coding education with its innovative approach that has been employed to train 37,000 students worldwide since Ecole 42 was established in Paris, in 2013. 

With its forward-thinking nature, 42 education method has gained international recognition, and Ecole 42 has consistently ranked high in the prestigious Top 100 Global World Universities with Real Impact (WURI*) – 6th in innovation in 2023. 

Considered as “the 21st century education concept” by Airbnb founder Brian Chesky, the education method employed at 42 coding campuses involves project-based learning and peer-to-peer collaboration, with rigorous evaluation processes, including machine exams and peer assessments.

No diploma or previous experience is required, and during the course students can specialise in their preferred domain, such as data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, mobile web, or network administration. The programme includes two internship periods, and its project-based learning method enables students to build their own portfolio. All this allows for another impressive achievement, Ecole 42 has been keeping a 100% employment rate among its graduates since 2013. The school’s innovative model and recognition resonate with students across the globe. 

Future-proof career

The full training takes up to three years and the common core can be finished on average in 18 months, after which programmers can expect to find jobs that pay on average £50,000 pounds a year in the UK.
As part of the 42 Network, 42 London aims to bridge the gap between the growing demand for qualified IT professionals in the UK and traditional education systems.

A UK registered charity, 42 London is dedicated to enabling the best talent to thrive without barriers or discrimination, making its tuition-free programme a game-changer for aspiring coders, eliminating financial obstacles, and opening doors to new opportunities. 

“At a time when workers are concerned about losing their jobs to AI, our students have a secure advantage. Our programme is not just about coding, it involves analytical thinking, critical problem-solving, learning to learn and effective teamwork. These skills are indispensable in a technology-driven world,” says Lilian Pontes, UK country director.

42 London’s commitment to fostering an inclusive learning environment is reflected in its student demographics, with 40% of students identifying as women, surpassing the tech sector’s current average of 25%. 

With a firm focus on employment-driven training, 42 education method leads to valuable industry experience, as the campuses have partnerships with foundations and renowned companies, and various events to ensure students’ adaptability and readiness for the job market. 

“Our emphasis on active learning and inclusivity drives a more adaptive and inclusive economy and society. There are many uncertainties about the future of the job market and our hands-on, project-based learning process equips students to master technological challenges,” Pontes adds.

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