From education to employment

New learning agreement signed at Corus steelworks

Phil Hope, MP for Corby and East Northants, was among the attendees at the recent signing of a Learning Agreement between Corus and unions Community and Unite (Amicus section). This Learning Agreement is one of over 1,400 throughout the country, which have been drawn up between union learning reps and a variety of organisations in order to establish a framework for increasing skills levels through workplace learning.

As a major employer in Corby, Corus has given high priority to training for a number of years, helping staff gain essential skills in literacy and numeracy. The agreement builds on this work and formalises the commitment to ensure that employees have the skills they need for their current role and for the future.

Phil Hope, who is the local MP and also Minister for the Third Sector said: “I am delighted to officially celebrate the learning agreement that has been agreed by Corus, in partnership with Community the Union of Life and Amicus Section of Unite the Union. Trade unions such as Community and Amicus are vital partners in helping the Government deliver our skills strategy at a local level. I am impressed by the relationship between Trade Union members and the management at Corus. Initiatives such as the learning agreement will give workers greater confidence allowing them to be better equipped to get on at work. Learning centres not only help the individual but also aid the employer as they help to improve the quality of the workforce and ultimately lead to improved morale amongst staff.”

Meanwhile Bob Guildford of Corus said such agreements brought a tangible benefit to employees: “This is an important day for Corus. This is the second agreement signed within Corus” UK businesses and also demonstrates how the unions and Corus work together to bring real benefit to its employees. Developing our people’s skills is good for the individual and the business enabling us to stay competitive in a global market.”

“Unionlearn is delighted to see the benefits that this partnership between Community, Unite and Corus is bringing to Corus employees, their families and their community,” said Mary Alys, Regional Manager of unionlearn with the Midlands TUC.

“Equipping local people with the skills they need will give them the confidence to carry on learning and to face new challenges.”

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