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University of Winchester recognised for excellent support it gives researchers

University of Winchester recognised for excellent support it gives researchers

The University of Winchester is delighted to announce that it has retained the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award, recognising the support it gives to career development of researchers.

The University has held the HR award since 2016 and has retained it following a rigorous external review.

It recognises a robust, high-quality, and sustainable research environment with a clear sense of individual and collective endeavour in advancing knowledge.

To retain the award the University had to comply with the UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers thereby improving the working conditions and career development for all research staff.

Vice Chancellor of the University of Winchester, Sarah Greer, said:

“I am delighted that we have retained this award, which recognises our ongoing commitment to developing excellent researchers at the University of Winchester.”

Winchester is one of six universities to retain the award following their six-year review and is one of 92 Vitae UK member institutions with the award.

Key achievements and progress highlighted in the six-year review submission include:

  • Investment in the Research & Innovation infrastructure to ensure researchers are fully supported.
  • Investment in a mentoring scheme for new staff, with associated hours, as well as internal funding schemes to support researchers’ professional development.

A new action plan, taking the University to 2025, will create an inclusive and resilient research and innovation culture.

The University will be supporting researchers and research students `from the ground up’, helping them to forge of sustainable partnerships, and celebrating their achievements and successes.

The plan includes the creation of a comprehensive researcher development framework, including leadership training at all career stages, the development of a clear career framework, individual development reviews for all researchers, and careers guidance for academic careers and beyond.

Professor Emile Bojesen, the University’s Director of Research and Innovation said: “We are committed to ensuring all research staff can flourish as individuals, advancing knowledge and serving the common good. We will be establishing a Research Concordat Action Group, which aims to ensure all researchers have the opportunity realise their potential and deliver high quality outcomes for their careers at the University of Winchester and beyond.”

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