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Barton Peveril Media Students Awarded at the DVMISSION: 48-Hour Film Challenge

Barton Peveril Media Students Awarded at the DVMISSION: 48-Hour Film Challenge

Barton Peveril Sixth Form College Media Students have been awarded the Watch Out for the
Youth prize at the DVMISSION Film Festival.

The DVMISSION: The 48 Hour Film Challenge is known to be a film festival where creative
filmmakers can display their films that were made in the preceding 48-hour period. The film-
competition celebrated its 18th birthday with creative filmmakers.

For the challenge to begin, teams are provided a genre, title and a line of dialogue at 5pm
on the 3rd of March which then allows teams to begin their 48-hour film making, each team
is then expected to return on the 5th of March at 4pm with a complete film. The following
weekend, on the 11th March, all teams gathered together to celebrate the culmination of
the films created. 

The Vaperwave Chronicles by House of Cards

The students who attended the competition as a team, also known as: House of Cards:
Writer and Director of the 2-minute film, Nat Beverley-Smith and Ryan Hope, Rebecca
Serecut as Director of Photography, Jess Wallace as Assistant Cinematographer and
supporting directing, Frey Clinton in Writing, and Actors, Jaden Cooper, Sophie Pescops and
Emily Hamilton. 

Nat formerly of Fareham Academy reflects on his experience: 

“Personally, I have watched this particular competition from the sidelines for many years,
and finally felt I was in a position to meet the challenge. There’s something really wonderful
about the community that this network has built that I wanted to be a part of. Their
competition wasn’t about who had the nicest camera, or the highest quality special effects;
it was about telling a story, and having fun along the way.”

The students were provided with the film genre, Space Opera and their title must
include Chronicles with their required line of dialogue as ‘Don’t lean on me man, you can’t
afford the ticket’. With the proposed obstacles, Team House of Cards created The
Vaporwave Chronicles.

Clinton and Pescops, former students of The Henry Cort Community College also speak on
their experience: 

“I learnt the importance of coming up with the whole story of the film before coming up
with a script, it made it so much easier and I really enjoyed it as it’s something I’ve never
done before and I did it with really cool people who share the same passions and interests.”

“It was amazing to see all the other teams and the wide variety of their work, but overall I
thoroughly enjoyed the whole process of filming and being able to see it come together
while we worked as a team. I would most definitely be up for taking on this challenge again
and would recommend it to anyone since it provides you with a great sense of reward, and I
really hope this is something I can take part in once more next year!”

Rebecca Serecut, formerly of Testwood School exclaims:

“What I enjoyed most about the experience was seeing an idea we had just come up with
the night before, come to life so quickly; no waiting, we were on it the next morning and I
loved that!”

Former student of St George Catholic College says:

“I have learnt that there is so much more to a film than what meets the eye. As an actor this
gives me a massive sense of appreciation for all the creativity that goes into a film and not
just what we see on screen. Something that I would take away from this is that it is
incredibly beneficial to challenge yourself and take risks no matter what role you take on in
a project. I am insanely proud of all of us and hope that we all get to do something like this

Students, Freya Clinton, Ryan Hope, Rebecca Serecut, Jess Wallace and Nat Beverley-Smith
plan to pursue media production careers after further education and hope to re-enter the
competition as a team in future years. 

Former students from Fareham Academy:

Jaden Cooper says:

“My favourite part of the experience was the awards night where we watched everyone’s
amazing attempts at the challenge and saw how they interpreted the genre selection and
the compulsory line. When we were nominated for the award I couldn’t believe it but to see
that we had won I was speechless, for such a great selection of mini films competing and us
winning an award seemed unrealistic!”

Ryan Hope says:

“The recording process may have been hard, but when it came to the awards night,
and seeing our film on the screen with hundreds of people watching, it made the
whole experience feel really rewarding.”

Judges’ comments on House of Cards film:

Took us on a journey, had some energy to it, played into the idea of being a space opera.

Teacher of Media Studies, Laura Barbey responds to the students’ success:

We are incredibly proud of a supremely talented group of young people who put together a
brilliant short film in only 48 hours. Their win is testament to their ability to bring their
individual talents together to work as a unit for a common goal, an achievement like this is
simply not possible without teamwork as well as talent. Congratulations to the team.

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