From education to employment

eSignUp a proven success for Eastleigh College’s apprenticeships

After only six months of operation, new ‘eSignUp’ software has transformed the Eastleigh College apprenticeship recruitment process.

Using eSignUp for their apprentice recruitment, the dynamic application offered advanced digital autonomy of apprenticeship paperwork, ensuring both apprentices and employers have a much simpler route to begin an apprenticeship. Prior to this software, existing recruitment processes required all paperwork to be done by hand, leading to significant costs in paper production and a high volume of paper waste. Extensive time was required to manually input candidate information and complete a range of complex funding calculations.

Thanks to the innovation of eSignUp software, time-consuming elements can now be calculated in seconds without any risk of human error, such as costs, off-the-job hours and apprenticeship duration. Learners and employers can enjoy a streamlined enrolment process, while the Eastleigh College recruitment team are able to respond strongly to quick turnovers and offer greater personalised support during recruitment.

Dan Wareham, Engagement and Learner Recruitment Manager at Eastleigh College, said:

“The introduction of eSignUp has had a huge positive impact on our apprenticeship administrative processes, which were previously very labour intensive. Given our large range of apprenticeships it can be difficult for employers to learn and retain the relevant funding information so having this automated makes things significantly easier for all involved. We look forward to further integration between eSignUp and our College ‘Pro Solution’ software in the future to enhance the experience further still.”

Carol Smith, eSignUp Product Manager, commented:

“It’s great to hear how the implementation of eSignUp has benefited Eastleigh College and the positive impact it has had on their apprenticeship processes. We hope it will continue to help them long into the future.”

This exciting development has been a recent step in their ambitious objective as laid out in their College 2020-2024 strategy:

“To pursue and relentlessly refine the digital strategy focused on the ‘classroom’ and ‘office”. This follows the recent installation of three immersive classrooms and their emphasis on digital collateral in their College marketing.

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