From education to employment


NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach

Statement ahead of the talks:

The General Secretary of the NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union will attend a meeting with the Secretary of State today (Monday 13 March).

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of the NASUWT, said:

“After weeks of uncertainty, we look forward to the meeting with the Secretary of State today. We now want to see movement on the constructive negotiations we have been promised by the Government.

“Given developments in the last few days in Scotland and Wales, the Education Secretary has got a lot of catching up to do, but a resolution is possible to find if there is the political will to do so.”

Statement following talks:

Following a meeting with the Secretary of State for Education today (Monday 13 March), Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of the NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union said:

“It is a positive sign that the Education Secretary has accepted that detailed negotiations must proceed without any further delay.

“Today’s meeting with the Secretary of State has given us the assurances we have been seeking. There is nothing that should now stand in the way of detailed negotiations and getting a deal onto the table.

“Ministers have heard from us and we have heard from them on their starting point for pay negotiations for this year and next year.

“Whilst there are numerous issues that will need to be discussed and a lot of ground to make up, there is the scope to find a basis for agreement which all sides can support.

“Avoiding further escalation of this dispute will not only require all sides to commit the time needed, but also to be willing to find solutions.

“Resolving our ongoing dispute with the Government can only be achieved by reaching a negotiated settlement.

“Making real progress on pay and working conditions is what our members want and expect and we will be pressing on all these issues in future talks with the Government.”

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