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How can we tackle toxic behaviour faced by marginalised students online? FE Soundbite Edition 672

Gavin O'Meara

Welcome to FE Soundbite edition 672. This is the weekly e-newsletter and e-journal brought to you be FE News ISSN 2732-4095. We know life is busy, so here is a snapshot of the latest announcements and cool thought leadership articles from influencers and cool thinkers across FE and Skills this week on FE News.

Vicki Baars wrote an interesting piece: How can FE institutions tackle the harmful behaviours faced by marginalised students online? … I think it is a really important question and I wanted this to be the title of Soundbite this week… as we take our digital footprint with us everywhere, in our pocket, or bag sometimes the first thing thing we look at before we go to bed or the last thing before we sleep. If you are facing toxic behaviour online… then this is a massive deal. So I wanted to highlight this as the focus for FE Soundbite this week.

The above article is really brought home when we look at the Sutton Trust report that highlights: Almost half of young people experiencing mental health problems.

There was a call this week to update UCAS personal statements: UCAS personal statements create inequality and should be replaced by short-response questions.

I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week:

I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week!

Gavin, CEO and Founder, FE News and FE Careers

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