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Outstanding Independent Training Provider, Educationwise Academy, appoints Neil Bates as Chair.

Neil Bates is Chair of Trustees at the Edge Foundation

The independent training provider Educationwise Academy, which hit the headlines in July this year when Ofsted awarded it top grades in every category, has appointed Neil Bates as its first Chair of a new Governance Board. The new Board will oversee a 3-year strategy to increase the number of high-quality apprenticeship opportunities and employer services provided by the Group across the UK.  

Bates, who has worked in the sector for the last 35 years, is a former Chair of AELP and the current Chair of the Edge Foundation. He is a leading expert on technical education and apprenticeships and has been closely involved in the development of Institutes of Technology, University Technical Colleges, Apprenticeship reforms and the review of Higher Technical Qualifications. Commenting on his appointment Bates said,

“I am delighted and honored to be appointed Chair of the Board of The Educationwise Academy. I was attracted to the role by the commitment and ambition of the owners, the learner centered values of the business and the potential for growth which gives us the opportunity to help transform the lives of many more young people in the future.”

Educationwise founder and Chief Executive Gavin Deane commented,

“The appointment of Neil Bates as our Chair represents the new step in our journey to grow and develop the business. His experience and expertise in the sector together with our shared passion for vocational education and apprenticeships will serve us well as we work to deliver the skills training that is so important to the UK economy.

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