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College delighted to welcome Patrick Harvie MSP to Hawick campus

Patrick Harvie with Borders College staff

@BordersCollege is delighted to have recently welcomed Patrick Harvie, MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, to its Hawick campus.

The purpose of the Minister’s visit was to hear about the College’s net zero ambitions and look at the courses, skills, and projects happening within the College.

The Minister was given a tour of the campus’s award-winning facilities and got the chance to speak with staff, students and young people about the renewables training courses on offer.

Mr Harvie said:

“Colleges have a fundamental part to play in developing the skills and knowledge we need for a net zero future for Scotland, and it was great to see the role Borders College is playing in this challenging but exciting journey. 

“Educational institutions like the College have a special responsibility in terms of teaching current and future generations about low carbon technology, and the Scottish Government will continue to support the growth of green skills across the Borders and the wider country as we continue our just transition to net zero.”

Patrick Harvie was elected as an MSP for the Glasgow region in 2003 and has served as Convenor of the Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee and as Co-Leader or Co-Convenor of the Scottish Green Party since 2008. He was appointed Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights in August 2021.

Mr Harvie’s responsibilities include active travel, energy efficiency, heat networks, building standards and new deals for tenants. He is also a serving member of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Legislation.

The MSP was keen to hear how businesses from across the sectors can make the most of the technology and expertise available at the College. A recent example of this is the work with Eyemouth Marine, which developed a prototype for marine equipment that will future-proof the craft of boat building.

Also speaking at the event was Borders College Principal and CEO Pete Smith, who said:

“Sustainability is at the heart of what we do, and we were delighted to welcome Mr Harvie to our Hawick campus to see the range of low carbon technologies and learning opportunities available.

“As a leading educator in the renewables sector, we are at the forefront of delivering the skills needed to build a greener future, and Mr Harvie’s visit will help the College continue on its sustainable journey to influence and lead on the importance of the drive to net zero.”

The College would like to thank Mr Harvie and his team for taking the time to visit the Hawick campus.

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