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‘Disrupter’ 3SC to deliver Neuro Diverse Strategy Coaching for the Probation Service

‘Disrupter’ 3SC to deliver Neuro Diverse Strategy Coaching for the Probation Service

Social enterprise company 3SC has been awarded a major contract by the Probation Service to deliver Coaching to People on Probation in the West Midlands to support behaviour change and the emotional wellbeing of offenders as part of their rehabilitation.

Won in the face of strong competition from large service providers, the initial two-year contract follows 3SC’s highly successful delivery of a similar programme for a Ministry of Justice trailblazer in South Wales.  3SC is also about to start a Neuro Diverse Coaching programme for People on Probation in the Thames Valley.

Current programme delivery is focused on adults with autism.  The West Midlands programme will widen the service to support any person on probation in the region who identifies as neurodivergent. Participants are not required to have a diagnosis as this can be a preventative barrier for many people who would like to access support.

3SC will provide professional coaching to over 700 people on probation with probation officers working closely with the 3SC team to make appropriate referrals.

The coaching, which will follow an individualised plan for each offender, will combine a mix of in-person sessions and online/virtual delivery.

Success will be measured by emotional wellbeing outcomes for each individual.  An initial assessment will take place at the beginning of the programme and then a further assessment at the end will show the distance travelled.  The objective is to provide support which reduces the chances of reoffending. 

To deliver the West Midlands programme, 3SC will draw on its own team of highly experienced NDSC coaches from a wide range of professional backgrounds and it is in the process of appointing other delivery partners.

Kathryn Jellings, Director of Business Development at 3SC (3SC – Partnerships with Purpose), said:

“3SC’s innovative approach to Neuro Diversity Coaching has been increasingly recognised by the Ministry of Justice and the Department for Work and Pensions as a very effective tool for helping clients back to work or stay in employment.  We are therefore delighted that the Probation Service has now commissioned us to deliver the programme in the West Midlands with a view to improving rehabilitation rates.

“Our coaches are not trying ‘to fix’ people.  On the contrary they draw out clients’ personal strengths for the benefit of a potential employer and a stable home life.  At the same time, the strategies secure improvements in employability skills such as timeliness, team working and task management.  In many cases, the coaching can be transformative and 3SC believes strongly that offenders in the West Midlands will benefit from it.”

The NDSC programme for the Probation Service in the West Midlands region is expected to start in mid-November 2022. Kathryn Jellings can be contacted at: [email protected].

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