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Glasgow Clyde College achieves LGBT Silver Charter Award

Glasgow Clyde College achieves LGBT Silver Charter Award

Glasgow Clyde College’s Student Association (GCCSA) has achieved the silver LGBT Charter Award, following a year-long programme to create a more inclusive environment for students.

Awarded by LGBT Youth Scotland, the charter enables organisations to proactively include LGBT people in all aspects of their work. GCCSA were recognised by demonstrating how they support those who identify as LGBT at the College, which includes developing staff training, policies and legislation, and by celebrating key dates including LGBT History Month, Trans Day of Visibility and Pride.

As part of the programme, GCCSA created student and staff Champion Groups, which helped provide insight and input into LGBT issues that students may face. The Student Association also worked closely with Glasgow Clyde College’s HR and Equality teams to create and launch supporting resources, such as the College’s first Trans Guidance booklet, created for staff and students to use.

Jodie McNair, GCCSA Coordinator said:

“Learning that we’d achieved the silver award was a really special moment for us. We had several students and staff working on the programme, and a lot of effort continues to go into ensuring we are an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

“Achieving the Silver LGBT Charter Award allows us to send a positive message to the LGBT community that Glasgow Clyde College is a champion of each and every person who walks through our doors, and that equality and diversity are values that we hold in very high regard. This award marks just the start of our journey, and we promise to not stop here. We are committed to continually improving our inclusivity, and taking steps forward to making our college a better place for everyone.”

David Marshall, Assistant Principal: Student Experience at Glasgow Clyde College said:

“Both Glasgow Clyde College and its Student Association are committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for everyone.

“We’re very proud that GCCSA has achieved the Silver LGBT Charter Award and it is a testament to the dedication of the GCCSA teams which have worked so hard to achieve this.”

Glasgow Clyde College is one of only a few Scottish colleges to have achieved the Silver LGBT Charter Award.

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