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What is the Future of Micro-Credentials? FE Soundbite 660

Gavin O'Meara

Welcome to FE Soundbite. This is the weekly round up of the latest news, announcements and cool thought leadership articles from FE News over the past week. This is edition 660.

What is the future of Micro, Nano and Digital credentialing?

If you have been reading FE News for a while… or listening into any of our livestreams and podcasts… you will know I am very interested in Micro-Credentials, digital badging, Bit and Block Qualifications, NFT’s and the future of skills and qualifications. So when Stuart Martin offered to write this article on Credentials, I got proper geeky excited about it. What I love about this article, it looks to the future, explores what is happening internationally and I love it.. this is hands down my fav article of the week. I was working with Holly on this article and I just kept clapping, desk tapping and getting over-excited animated on this one… which means it is a very good article and I would highly, highly recommend grabbing a coffee and having a read!

The path to ‘Outstanding’

Louise Doyle wrote an excellent article: The path to ‘Outstanding’? You won’t find it in the Ofsted framework. Lou’s article has been very, very popular, so I also would recommend checking it out!

Is FE setting up its future leaders to fail?

Dr Stephen Corbett wrote an interesting article Too often, FE is setting its future leaders up to fail.

Some cool solution led thought leadership articles from across FE and Skills:

David Phillips has written a cool article: In a shifting jobs market, vocational training can offer some of the best paths to success

Ben Murphy wrote an interesting piece: Why universities face a race against time to close the digital expectation gap and it is always wise to check out an article from a research fellow at WISE… so I’d highly recommend this article by Rosie Clayton: Platforms for enhancing ecosystems for learning post Covid

Paul Wakeling wrote an interesting article on Bootcamps: Skills Bootcamps: What you need to know

Interesting Reports and Research

HEPI released an interesting collection of thoughts and articles… on research… check out this article by Nick Hillman: The Research Excellence Framework: A hydra-headed beast or an effective policy tool?

So this week we had a mixed emotions… as Aliyah had her second anniversary and her last day all on the same day. If you have enjoyed our livestreams, Aliyah was lead on making the magic happen in the background. The livestream seasons are back in October and Finley and Holly have been working with me to add in some cool new ways of delivering the streams, so watch this space!

Finley and Holly have also been beavering away in the background on two new epic services, I can’t wait for these to roll out and show / share these with you! There is loads going on in the background at the moment and the new team is working sooo well. I am chuffed.

Monday, well at some point we will have a new PM! Then new Secretary of States and no doubt Skills Ministers and all that (hopefully people will last longer than 24 hours)… so we are anticipating a busy one! So check it all out on FE News next week.

I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week!

Gavin, CEO and Founder, FE News and FE Careers

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