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Woodhouse College celebrates its best ever A level results

Students at Woodhouse College are celebrating an unprecedented set of A level results today having established a new college record for high grades with 83% of results graded A*- B. The college was recently graded ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted and has certainly lived up to its reputation for excellence.

This year group had a really challenging start to their A level journey during the second Covid lockdown and had no prior exam experience as their GCSE’s were cancelled. They have shown real resilience and worked hard to develop the key skills they need to help them thrive at university and the wider world of work.

Key results day headlines:

  • 83% of grades at ‘high grade’ A*- B
  • 62 students achieved three or more A* grades
  • 256 students got three or more A*/A grades
  • 94% of grades at A*- C
  • 16 subjects had a 100% pass rate
  • 25 students have places at Oxford or Cambridge

Principal Sugra Alibhai said:

“I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to our students who have achieved these fantastic results. Given the national context these are an excellent set of outcomes and are a testament to the hard work of our students and staff at the College.”

Student stories:

Electra came to Woodhouse from Bishops Hatfield Girls’ School and got A*A*A* in English literature, classical civilisation and religious studies and has a place at Cambridge University, she said

“I’m currently celebrating my results with my family over lunch – still in disbelief. I’m very thankful for Woodhouse for making this opportunity to study at Cambridge a reality rather than a far-fetched dream as I imagined it to be just over a year ago. As much as I am grateful for this outcome it’s the journey that matters. Thank you to the community and all my teachers for making the experience amazing.”

Adam came to Woodhouse from Edmonton County School and got A*AAA in maths, chemistry, physics and further maths, he said:

“My plan now is to go to Imperial College London to study chemical engineering. It’s the first time I’ve taken exams since year six. I’ve worked really hard over the past two years but I felt like it all became quite intense towards the end and I had to step back a little and prioritise my physical and mental health over studies, but I’m glad how it has all turned out. I’m very pleased that I got to the university where I always said I wanted to be. My Woodhouse experience has been a pleasure, I’ve met so many great people – I feel like I’ve been learning with the future leaders of the world, everyone is so kind and charismatic and it’s really inspiring here.”

Maya came to Woodhouse from Hampstead School and got A*A*A* in English literature, drama and theatre, and history, she said

“I’m going to study history at Manchester Uni. Taking exams was really difficult and I didn’t think I’d done so well in one of them, but clearly did. Woodhouse has been very different to school, they really care about students improving here and it’s a good learning environment. I’m really pleased with my results and am going clubbing with my friends tonight to celebrate.”

Mohammad (main picture -centre) came to Woodhouse from Mill Hill County and got A*A*A* in biology, business and maths, she said:

“I’m ecstatic with my results. I’m planning to go to LSE to study accounting and finance, and then hope to go into an investment banking group. Taking exams for the first time was the most stressful thing, but students shouldn’t stress, you achieve better than you think you will here. My family are so pleased and are throwing a party for me later.”

Robert came to Woodhouse from St Albans School and got A*A*A in politics, history, and English literature, he said:

“I’m going to UCL to do politics and history of the Americas, with a year abroad. Exams are not easy, but with everyone going through the same experience here at Woodhouse there was a real spirit of camaraderie rather than competitiveness and that environment did make it a bit easier. I can sum up my whole Woodhouse experience in two words – absolutely amazing!”

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