From education to employment

Patient Advocate to unveil FE and HE Managed Healthcare solutions

Employees are the most valuable asset of any successful company and Colleges are no exception.

A forthcoming issue of FE News will feature Employee Health and Wellbeing with Patient Advocate addressing and introducing a pioneering corporate and individual Managed Healthcare solution.

Patient Advocate’s market leading solution is a credible and sustainable alternative to traditional private medical insurance plans, offering a unique range of products and services, to tackle the challenging issues facing both employers and employees in today’s healthcare market.

Patient Advocate is a market leader in developing and deploying products and services, providing access to blended private and public healthcare providers. Patient Advocate’s healthcare benefit solutions are designed to be the most affordable and most successful approach to improving access to healthcare at the right time, the right place, the right cost.

The Patient Advocate mission is to facilitate optimal consultations, diagnostic investigations and treatment care pathways, maximising healthcare choices to improve outcomes of care, improve health and wellbeing, reduce costs and absence from ill-health.

Our nurse-led services work by utilising options available through private providers and within the NHS and can include consultation and diagnostic benefit cover.

Patient Advocate

We follow the Principles of Person-Centred Care – affording people dignity, compassion and respect; offering personalised and coordinated care, support and/or treatment; supporting people to recognise and develop their own strengths and abilities to enable them to live an independent and fulfilling life. The Health Foundation 2014. “Invest in Employees Health and Wellbeing”


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