Podcast with IEP’s Scott Parkin on the Adviser of the Future
We catch up with Scott Parkin, Chairman of the Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP) at the ERSA annual conference. We chat with Scott about the future needs for Advisers of the future and then he discusses the new IEP Trailblazer programme.
Scott explains that the implementation of the Apprenticeship Levy has created an opportunity for the IEP to consider and reflect on the challenges faced by our frontline employees, the competencies that underpin our work and the desire to develop a solution that supports genuine career development and progression. To this end, The IEP’s Employability Trailblazer Employer Group has been discussing and developing the standards for an Employability Apprenticeship Trailblazer which has the support of all of the premier employment support delivery organisations, ensuring that people with a range of skills and competencies are able to benefit and taking into consideration all of the core qualities that are needed to create and develop standards that are of real quality and more ‘future proof’ for the needs of our profession.
The Group has been tasked with the importance of ensuring that standards are distinct enough to drive professional behaviour but also be flexible according to an organisation’s delivery model. They need to be translatable across companies and the group needs to identify synergies with other ‘Case Management’ roles to enable both progression within our sector and movement across other sectors.
Please click on the podcast below to hear with Scott has to say about the new IEP Employability Trailblazer and looking at the Adviser of the Future: