From education to employment

European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative Leavers Survey Report 2016-2019

This report provides findings of the experiences of people in England who had recently left work-related courses/programmes funded through the ESF.

The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union (EU) and thereby raise standards of living. The ESF 2014-20 Operational Programme aims to deliver against investment priorities defined by the European Commission (EC) to increase labour market participation, promote social inclusion and develop the skills of the potential and existing workforce. Three reports were commissioned as part of our obligations as members of the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to evaluate the programme in England and in doing so make an assessment of its effectiveness, impact and efficiency in meeting the programme aims.

This report provides findings for the England ESF and YEI 2016-2018 Leavers survey.

The research was commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to explore the experiences of people in England who had recently left work-related courses/programmes funded through the ESF, including the YEI.

Specifically, the research sought to collect information about participants’ situation on entry to and six months after they have left ESF provision (to determine long-term outcomes), and participant views on the provision.

The research involved a large-scale quantitative telephone survey with 19,769 participants who had left the ESF provision between December 2015 and December 2018, and YEI provision between December 2015 and May 2019.

The other reports included in this part of the evaluation are ESF Qualitative Case Study Research and YEI Impact Evaluation.

This report provides findings of the experiences of people in England who had recently left work-related courses/programmes funded through the ESF.Read More

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