From education to employment

Bath College student offered job at French opera house

A student at Bath College has been offered a life- changing opportunity to work as a hair and make-up artist in France.

Caitlin Brennan was part of a group of Level 3 complementary, spa, beauty and media make-up students travelling to Lyon to work in local hotels, spas and salons.

The 18-year-old worked at the Opéra Nouvel, home to the Opéra National de Lyon and the Lyon Opera Ballet, and impressed the team so much she was offered a job.
Caitlin, from Keynsham, was part of meetings for a new production, helped with children’s hair at a full dress rehearsal, and face painting for a visitor open day.
She said: “The opera building was huge. It went up 14 floors and then went underground five floors. Underground, there was a full stage – it was absolutely massive.
“On Saturday they had an open day at the opera and I was outside face painting. 12,000 people passed through the opera house – they had different queues going in for tours, so there were queues everywhere.
“Having that work experience behind me is amazing, to say I worked in an opera house in Lyon. My best friend is working on a cruise ship at the moment and it makes me want to travel.”
Students travelled to Lyon as part of an Erasmus Plus trip – an EU programme offering opportunities for students to study, work and train abroad.
They were hosted  by the Lycée professionnel du Premier Film, a French school in the heart of Lyon, and received an invite from the mayor to represent Britain at the city’s annual war commemoration day.
Caitlin, who was working abroad for the first time, received her job offer on the last day of her work experience.
She said: “On the last day my tutors came to see me and Astrid, the lady I was working with, showed them around. We were on the way down and Astrid offered me a job, she said I could come and work there.
“I’m going to send her an e-mail to say I’m considering it if the offer is still there. I would learn French in France.”
Bath College lecturer Diane Rowe, who was part of the trip, said: “It was an extremely successful visit for the college and the lycée.
“Our students have come back with a lot of confidence in themselves. Caitlin has a real get up and go attitude, and she has very good manners.
“At the open day she was in the middle of the queues face painting. She worked her socks off and the language barrier wasn’t a problem, she got through it.
“They were so impressed with her they said ‘we would love to offer you a job if you learn French’. She would be a full-time make-up artist.”

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