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TLPD steams ahead with 20,000 confirmed CPD activities

A woman sitting at a desk writing in her notebook

A significant milestone has been reached in the T Level Professional Development (TLPD) offering, with over 20,000 CPD activities taking place since the TLPD Pilot Phase began in 2019.

The figures, which cover the period May 2019 to July 2021, show that almost 8,500 individuals have participated in the programme. Feedback from participants in 2020/2021 has been extremely positive, with a survey response rate of 33% *

  • 95% of participants said that the TLPD offer will have a positive impact on their own professional practice
  • 97% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the Industry Insights offer, a chance for learners to undertake placements within an industry, was exceptionally positive

The Education and Training Foundation (ETF), which has been helping to deliver the TLPD programme since 2019, welcomed these positive developments.

Jenny Jarvis, Deputy CEO of the ETF, said:

“Reaching this significant milestone of 20,000 CPD activities shows that the TLPD programme continues to steam ahead.

“With more T Levels introduced earlier this year, the ETF is ramping up efforts to mainstream T Levels across the profession and to equip our teachers and leaders to deliver outstanding education and training programmes.

“There is now a fantastic opportunity to put T Levels on the same footing as A Levels, helping to deliver a highly-skilled, productive and socially mobile workforce.”

In addition, 34 senior leaders (55% response rate) completed an annual survey to provide feedback on the TLPD offer, with the findings extremely positive:

  • 100% of respondents were satisfied with the TLPD offer overall
  • 100% of respondents were satisfied that the TLPD offer has supported their organisation in the delivery of T Levels
  • 100% of respondents were satisfied that the TLPD offer has improved the knowledge of T Levels among their staff

The ETF has been supporting the delivery of T Levels since 2019 and was awarded a four-year contract in February 2020 to continue to support providers, leaders and practitioners to deliver the new courses.

The TLPD offer aims to meet the needs of the workforce alongside relevant regional, employer and curriculum requirements. The ETF has continued to use the expertise of employers, professional bodies and key partners to enhance the programme and ensure teachers are fully supported.

*Participants survey, 1,045 survey responses received 

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