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LinkedIn Learning offers academic credit

LinkedIn (@LinkedIn) partners with universities to offer official academic credit for completed LinkedIn Learning courses

  • The University of Huddersfield (@HuddersfieldUni) and Northumbria University (@NorthumbriaUni) are part of a new international education partnership pilot with LinkedIn Learning
  • LinkedIn Learning online learning paths on data science, graphic design and digital marketing topics are now eligible for academic credit at universities around the world
  • Credit can be applied to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including Business, Information Technology, Digital Media, Data Science and Communication

LinkedIn is partnering with seven universities across the globe to offer people who complete select LinkedIn Learning online learning paths the opportunity to gain official academic credit which can be applied to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes and education certificates – including Business, Information Technology, Digital Media, Data Science and Communication.

In the UK, the University of Huddersfield and Northumbria University are part of a new international education partnership pilot with LinkedIn Learning, along with other international partners including the IU International University of Applied Science (Germany), XU Exponential University (Germany), American University of Beirut (Lebanon), ESPM (Brazil), and the University of South Australia (Australia). 

A wide variety of LinkedIn Learning online learning paths are eligible for official academic credit, including learning paths on data science, graphic design, digital marketing, project management, digital transformation and leadership. The engaging and high-quality production online learning courses from LinkedIn Learning are taught by expert instructors and are available in multiple languages.

Learners can select a partner university, browse the list of LinkedIn Learning courses that qualify for academic credit, and select a learning path to start. Upon completion of the learning path, learners will receive a certificate of completion from LinkedIn, and will subsequently be able to receive academic credit upon the successful completion of a university assessment of their learning.

Janine Chamberlin, UK Country Manager at LinkedIn, said:

“Offering people alternative routes to skills and education – at any point in life – is crucial to helping them to upskill and reskill as the world around us changes. We’re proud to partner with the University of Huddersfield and Northumbria University who recognise the value of our online learning courses and are committed to offering people a new way to earn academic credit to help them on their skills development journey. We know this path to education will be a huge benefit to many, and we look forward to expanding our education partners to offer more people this opportunity in the future.”

Rupert Ward, Professor of Learning Innovation at the University of Huddersfield, said:

“As the global economy shifts to more skills-based hiring practices, it is increasingly important to help people continuously gain new skills. This requires minimising barriers to learning by supporting different pathways to developing talent, and making the experience more personalised. By working in partnership with LinkedIn Learning, we are enabling learners to move seamlessly from their LinkedIn Learning studies to our degree courses. This is the future of learning, and we are delighted to be involved in what is a huge step towards developing personalised learning experiences.”

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