ESFA subcontracting standard
Subcontracting assurance arrangements for all ESFA funded post-16 providers.
ESFA subcontracting standard
PDF, 430KB, 23 pages
ESFA subcontracting standard
As part of the subcontracting reforms, ESFA have developed an externally assured subcontracting standard which will replace the existing subcontracting audit process from 2022 to 2023.
This document sets out the requirements for all providers who subcontract £100,000 or more of their delivery, across all ESFA funding streams.
Our intent on publishing the standard early is to give providers time during 2021 to 2022 funding year to ensure they can align their subcontracted delivery to the standard, where it does not already, and ensure that they have sufficient and appropriate evidence in place to demonstrate compliance with the standard.
Published 28 July 2021