What schools and registered early years providers need to know about delivering the current and revised early years foundation stage (EYFS)


Registered early years providers


The EYFS in schools



We’re often asked lots of questions and encounter many myths about our education inspection framework (EIF) inspections. Currently we’re being asked about the revised EYFS framework from 1 September 2021. In this guidance we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions on both the EYFS and inspection practice. However, we encourage people to get in touch if they come across other frequent misunderstandings.

So, we’ve developed these pages to help all registered early years providers and schools delivering the EYFS with what they need to know now and what they need to know for the start of the revised EYFS framework on 1 September 2021.

We’re not in the game of tricking people or catching them out. We’re looking to see settings as they are. We don’t want people worrying about what they think we require, when that may not be the case.

Published 22 July 2021