From education to employment

Chartered landscape professional



K1: Landscape assessment and analysis: How to survey, assess and evaluate landscapes, places and sites. Landscape and visual assessment and analysis. Back to Duty

K2: Planning, landscape and environmental related legislation: Planning, landscape and environmental related legislation, requirements, policies and procedures. Including the statutory process for making planning applications, Environmental Impact Assessment legislation, Building Regulations (Parts M and K), statutory and non-statutory designations associated with landscape, trees and woodlands, ecology, heritage and wildlife Back to Duty

K3: Landscape context:How to analyse, assess and evaluate the distinctive, characteristic and functional qualities of landscape, places and sites including cultural context, history, character and place. Back to Duty

K4: Technology and data:Advanced technology including but not limited to, CAD, BIM, GIS, relevant graphic software, 3D modelling and visualisations. Legal requirements regarding data management, ethical standards and organizational data management procedures. Back to Duty

K5: Business management:Management of a landscape practice or organisation including legal liabilities, duties and obligations on businesses and individuals. Health and Safety liabilities, duties and obligations including CDM and management of risk. Economic and financial management. Back to Duty

K6: Environment and sustainability:How to embed the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability and provide input to assess the environmental impact of projects and build resilience. How to adapt and mitigate the consequences of climate change. Back to Duty

K7: Leadership and project management:Appropriate processes, methodologies, tools and techniques to lead and to manage projects effectively to time and budget and evaluate effectiveness. Methods of conflict avoidance and resolution. Back to Duty

K8: Professional ethics and ethical framework:The characteristics of a landscape professional, the importance of upholding the highest standards of ethical behaviour and commitment to maintaining and developing professional competence. Equality and diversity including relevant legislation. The required standards of practice and ethics for Chartered Members of the Landscape Institute and the core ethical principles. Back to Duty

K9: Landscape specialisms:The key principles of landscape design, landscape management, park management and planning. Quality interventions that integrate with both the function and identity of a landscape putting land, water, drainage, energy, community, economic, infrastructure and other such resources to the best possible use. Engaging with other professionals. Town and country planning decision making. Back to Duty

K10: Landscape design:How to create landscape and concept designs that benefit society, place and nature. The importance of promoting health and wellbeing, sensory design, biodiversity and inclusive access. Types of materials to suit the intended use. Plant types and environmental requirements such as climate conditions, microclimates, soil, sun, moisture and wind. The design of of hydroponic systems. The interaction between landscape design and the built environment. Back to Duty

K11: Contract administration:Tender processes and contractual arrangements for work with contractors. Effective and fair administration of contracts, insurances, contract instructions, variations, practical completion and defects. Back to Duty

K12: Landscape and parks management:The ways by which landscapes can meet the needs of owners, managers and users. Maintenance, management and administration of contracts. Landscape ecology, habitats and horticulture. The protection, maintenance and management of landscapes/parks and of heritage asset to best practice standards. Business planning and fundraising. Back to Duty

K13: People and places:How to manage the demands of people and places and ensure landscapes are places that are accessible and inclusive, being able to be used easily, safely and with dignity by all avoiding unnecessary effort, separation or segregation. User/visitor management plans. Landscape/parks management plans and strategies. How to lead and manage others, including the recruitment, selection and appraisal of staff and volunteers. Legislation and legal requirements relating to health and safety and accessibility. Back to Duty

K14: Landscape planning:Detailed planning legislation and policy. Landscape ecology and habitats. Master planning. Back to Duty

K15: Landscape assessment:Formal methods of landscape assessment such as (but not limited to) Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments and Landscape Sensitivity Assessments. Back to Duty


S1: Landscape and/or site analysis and research:Critically analyse, assess and evaluate the significance, context, character and defining qualities of landscape or sites. Promote health and wellbeing, biodiversity and sustainability. Evaluate and account for the physical and social context of landscapes. Back to Duty

S2: Convey creative ideas relating to landscape:Communicate and present creative and innovative ideas relating to landscape through appropriate media. Typically this could include graphic designs, sketches, reports, visualisations, concept/master/detailed plans, presentations and photography Back to Duty

S3: Lead, manage and deliver landscape projects:Agree project briefs and agree clear aims and objectives. Lead, manage and deliver landscape projects to time and budget. Manage risk and evaluate projects. Ensure compliance with health and safety legislation and regulations. Back to Duty

S4: Use technology:Use appropriate advanced technology including, but not limited to, CAD, 3D modelling, GIS, relevant graphic software. Hold use and share information and data adopting appropriate security measures and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical requirements and standards. Back to Duty

S5: Stakeholder engagement and leadership:Engage with, lead and manage a wide range of stakeholders including the public and local communities. Communicate, negotiate, advocate and mediate effectively and respond appropriately to resolve conflict. Take responsibility for engaging people in landscapes and promoting access for all. Back to Duty

S6: Critical analysis and decision making:Critically analyse, interpret and evaluate information, appraise options, negotiate, make clear, evidenced based decisions and provide professional advice and recommendations. Back to Duty

S7: Leadership and communication:Show leadership to others. Collaborate and engage constructively with other professionals. Think strategically and influence others and negotiate to reach agreement and resolve conflicts. Communicate clearly in writing and verbally including report writing and presentations. Use interpersonal skills, communication and assertiveness to persuade, motivate and influence. Work independently and as part of a team. Back to Duty

S8: Landscape design:Lead the preparation of creative and innovative designs responding to site and end user requirements, physical, social and legislative contexts and to an agreed brief. Promote factors such as health and wellbeing, biodiversity and inclusive access. Back to Duty

S9: Contract administration:Lead, organise and manage tender processes and contractual arrangements for work. Effectively and fairly administer landscape contracts. Manage insurances, contract instructions, variations, practical completion and defects. Back to Duty

S10: Landscape and parks management:Provide leadership in caring for land in ways that ensure landscapes can fulfil needs and aspirations in an effective and sustainable manner for present and future communities of users. Ensure landscapes can be effectively and cost effectively managed and maintained over time. Promote and foster landscape ecology and habitats. Undertake business planning, management and fundraising to meet strategic objectives. Lead and manage the agreement and implementation of contracts. Back to Duty

S11: People and places:Take responsibility for responding to the needs of people, place and nature. Create a positive user experience and maximise the local benefits that people can bring to the environment, economy and community. Ensure that landscapes and places are accessible, being able to be used easily, safely and with dignity by all avoiding unnecessary effort, segregation or separation. Develop and manage relationships with friends groups, the public, local communities, volunteers and staff. Lead, organise and manage the work of others. Back to Duty

S12: Landscape planning:Critically analyse, assess and seek to resolve environmental, economic and social opportunities and constraints and account for these when addressing a landscape’s potential and capacity to accommodate change. Lead on the preparation and/or determining of applications for planning consents. Provide integrated solutions for area based schemes including masterplanning. Back to Duty

S13: Landscape assessment:Lead on the contribution to or use of the findings of formal landscape assessments such as (but not limited to) Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments and Landscape Sensitivity Assessments. Back to Duty


B1: The Landscape Institute standards of conduct and practice. Back to Duty

B2: Commitment to own continuing professional development and reflective practice and that of others Back to Duty

B3: A professional attitude. Back to Duty

B4: Reliability, integrity and respect for confidentiality on work related and personal matters, including appropriate use of social media and information systems Back to Duty

B5: A passion for landscape, the environment and creating great places for people Back to Duty

B6: Attention to detail Back to Duty

B7: Versatility Back to Duty

B8: Creative vision Back to Duty

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