NCFE closes the skills gap with apprenticeship frameworks

National qualification provider NCFE has launched a series of Apprenticeship ‘frameworks’ to combat the expected rise in demand for applicants in the next year.
The surge will follow the government’s decision to increase the budget for Apprenticeships to more than £1400 million in 2011-12, which could support training for over 350,000 trainees.
NCFE chief executive David Grailey said:
“With the increase in applicant numbers and growing interest in apprenticeships from learners and employers alike, it’s vital that we, as a qualification provider ensure that we support the development and delivery of these programmes by providing tailor-made packages.
Six of the 50 NCFE frameworks planned to commence have helped providers find the right qualifications to meet the demand and close the skill gap.
The frameworks consist of Level 2 and 3 qualifications across subject areas including Business and Administration, Children’s Care, Learning and Development and Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, and also include core elements such as Functional and Key Skills.
“‘Learn by doing’ is a simple way to look at it, but many apprentices do just that,” added Mr Grailey.
“Hands-on experience combined with education and training, can help to ensure that apprentices are trained to a high standard and become valued and motivated long-term members of staff.”